Am gasit intr-o baza de date cu fotografii online o imagine insotita de cateva impresii legate de costumele populare romanesti. Fotografia a fost publicata cel mai probabil in Statele Unite:
Costume de casa, frumoase care exprima personalitatea artistica a taranilor romani
Tineri si batrani, taranii imbracati in costume vii, avand culori placute si aprinse, caracteristice acestei natiune iubitoare de frumos, sunt purtate cu o demnitate si gratie innascuta.
Femeile isi poarta aptitudinile pentru lucrul cu acul pana la varste inaintate, iar iile, aduse in casa noua dupa nunta de catre tinerele mirese, impodobesc costumele in timpul casniciei, avand frumoase motive specifice lor - o frumoasa marturie lasata pentru posteritate. Desi broderiile si stilurile de culoare sunt de obicei de origine slava, ele sunt mai bogate si mai delicate decat cele din Bulgaria sau Serbia si arata o distincta influenta Bizantina.
Textul in limba engleza: "Costumes both homely and handsome that express the artistic personality of the Rumanian Peasantry.
Young and old among the peasants delight in bright colours, and their vivid costumes, entirely characteristic of this beauty-loving nation, are worn with inherent grace and dignity. Far into old age the women carry their aptitude for fine needlework, and the big painted chests, which as young brides they brought to their new homes filled with the outfit of wifehood, contain beautiful specimens of their industry - a welcome legacy for posterity. Though the embroideries and colour scheme in general are Slavonic, they are richer and daintier than the Bulgarian or Serbian, and show a distinct Byzantine influence."
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